Its so crazy how people use social networks to define your life now a days. Its all a perception in the end. My social networks look great from the outside looking in. You see a girl making movies, on set with celebrities etc. But no one sees all the work I put in to reap those benefits. So they think well she moved to LA and got lucky. Well let me school you just a little on this Jenn Pinto Movement…...I have been working hard my whole life basically to get to this point. I had countless of doors close on me. Agents told me I wasn't spanish enough, or I was toooo spanish for them. I had people in my life that promised me the world in my career and then stole money from me and vanished. I was so young and fixated on the fame and money that I lost myself. I got with a guy at a young age and became his puppet. I was abused physically and mentally by this man. In the mix of all that I was still trying to pursue this career. Money was always a problem, so I did what was familiar to me, I hustled. I tried to continue to make my dreams of becoming an actress, a writer etc but the guy I was with did everything in his power to stop me. I was afraid so I listened. After 4 years I finally left that destructive relationship. Now I was 21 not having a clue who I was inside. I was empty. I moved back to my dads, left all the money, clothes, cars etc to him and walked away with my life which is all I prayed God would keep me with once I had the strength to leave. So from the day I started now here we are 11 years later...I am 21 yrs old starting all over. I treated myself to a one week vacation in LA because I was planning to move. I came to LA by myself and only spoke to the one man who never let me down….my Dad. I traveled the city like a tourist during the day and at night I'd cry myself to sleep. All the pain I held in all those years I was letting it all out. I was mad at myself for the horrible decisions I made. For the time I wasted in my career because I let a man control my life. I knew it was time to take control of my life. I remained alone for some time to find myself and who I was. I felt it was only right I fix myself from the inside out. I worked hard and began to get things in motion. I was starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Auditions after auditions all while working a 9-5 or even a 9-10pm at times so I can invest in my career aside from surviving and paying bills. It wasn't easy. But I was doing it. Then in 2004 everything stopped. I received a call at 2am on July 24 from my dad telling me my favorite cousin whom I was the closest to died in motorcycle accident. I literally felt my entire soul sucked out of me when I heard those words. I will never forget that day and how I felt. It was by far the hardest death I ever had to deal with. I thought I had control of life I thought at this point ok "I got this" and then he dies and I'm like hold up……. I don't have control? It was then I opened up my own production company and decided to write my first feature film. There was no one who believed in me more than him and since the opportunities weren't there, I was determined to create my own. I didn't know how to handle his death so I drowned myself in a script to escape from reality. Every day for hours I just wrote and wrote. I finished that script and began to write several short films to produce first. I brought in a team to help me brand and grow this movement the right way. For some time they did there job then when it came time to produce my work everything went downhill. All the people I helped throughout the years, sitting on their set working for FREE not complaining once, ALL turned on me. Not one person helped me out. The DP even cancelled the night before the shoot LOL I still was determined to produce my projects. However, it was impossible and I was left with money lost and no project in my hand. I didn't give up, I tried again to produce another project. Now my own team turns on me, and long story short in the end I was left with damaged footage and no product, another loss. To make matters worse in the mix of all this my computer crashes and my first feature is lost. And on top of all that I'm also dealing with this creep who was trying to steal TV shows I wrote behind my back with my own team involved. Sad right? I realized you know what I'm going to have to cut everyone off and start from scratch this drawing board. I took the biggest risk and moved to LA. But I moved with a game plan. I was determined to do and do it right. Besides I just left the most important people in my life whom I've never been away from…my FAMILY. There was NO TIME TO WASTE. I cleaned myself once again from the inside out. Forgave all those people who turned on me and moved on. Let me be clear when I came to LA I came with just the money my husband and I saved (oh yeah I met this amazing man 9 years ago and he's been a huge blessing in my life) no job, nothing. I had a vision and it was CLEAR as EVER! I was going to take all my years of experience as a medical biller and open up an at home billing service, work from home and pursue my career 100%. Here I am 3 years later… I work from home, have a very successful medical billing company with my husband and my scripts are being produced with the quality it was suppose to be produced with. Finished products the world will see very soon. My acting and writing career is finally on the right path and all the opportunities I dreamed of are coming my way. I have an incredible team with me helping me grow this movement. With all the struggles, pain and tears I went through for so many years (and I've given you the short version lol) it was only right things happen this fast and the right way. I remained faithful in my God, never doubted him. each year I grew stronger, each year I took the new lessons and applied them. I always helped people in my journey despite how many times people turned on me. I pray for all of them and wish them all the best. The crazy part of all this….I've learned to appreciate this crazy journey that If I could do it all over again I'd do it the same way. Because it made me who I am today. Nothing, no one can stop me. I WILL make all my dreams come true and I WILL change this world, or be a spark in the change. I want people to know it wasn't easy at all but its all worth it in the end. NEVER EVER give up. Success is the sweetest revenge in life. I tried to move to LA 3X before this time. and never made it here. It wasn't in Gods plan, it wasn't the time. Gods work never fails, just be faithful. His timing is PERFECT! (and FYI my first feature I lost I wrote all over again, in time I will put it out). I hope my story inspires someone today. I normally don't get into details but It was in my spirit to today so I listened. Give 100% to yourself and what you want and I can guarantee you the results will come. I wake up between 5-6am everyday and give my ALL each day. I've never worked this hard in my life and I also never seen these results in my life so how can I stop now? I'm just getting warmed up…HARD WORK PAYS OFF!!!! God Bless my friends.